Saturday, 11 February 2012

fashion and statistics

After our talks from the fashion promotion coarse, I felt I had learnt a lot based on costume, and the thought process you have to plan and consider before designing or buying the outfit.
Later that night I wanted to research into fairytale fashion and statistics. I learnt, from notes and research, when designing collections its very important that fashions designers make their collection fashionable and stylish. They do this by looking at trends. Trends are basically statistics. The clip that I found shows how fashion designers use trends or statistics in their designs. It also shows the clothing that was designed for 2009 collection, and then compared  to the runway trends from 2008. The reason why they showed this, was because they wanted viewers to understand that fashion designers would have been looking at the 2008 trends when designing their clothing for the 2009 collection. This was interesting to know, when thinking and perhaps designing for our costume.
When looking for run way trends, designers look to see what appears most often, perhaps in high street fashion, this could be anything ranging form colours to skirt lengths.
The above image show all the skirts designed by Mark Jacobs from 2008. Fashion designers also use trend forecasters e.g.- `WGUSN`, who tell them which colours they should use and what type of trousers and skirts to design in their collection. Also fashion designers have merchandising campaigns, which tell fashion designers how many of each skirt, trousers or shirts to produce. 

This was a videio that explained the idea of useing inflatable clothing for creating a certain look in fashion shoots. I thought this link would was motivating, and thought it could lead to something interesting for later designs.

Throughout our talks, i also learnt that colour palette`s and fabric is an important aspect when designing costume.

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